• St Luke's continues to be a GOOD school after a successful Ofsted inspection in December.
  • Please continue to check ParentPay for upcoming trips and events, thank you!

Family photos for class 3

Family photo request for each child in class 3

Hello all,

I hope you have all had an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday.  I'm looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 6th September.

Please may I request that each child in class 3 brings in a family photo that they can talk about on Thursday 7th September.  Our 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' unit this half-term is all about the Christian Family and in our first lesson we will be discussing the happy times we have with our families as well as the times when things don't quite go right and what we can do to help restore the relationship.

Thank you,

Karina Alcock