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Dynamic Dynasties

Read on to find out about Class 4's Summer 2 topic - Dynamic Dynasties.

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21 May 2024

Life to the Full – Session about Death and Grief

As part of your child’s RE and RHE learning, we will be completing a lesson called ‘A Time for Everything’ this week which introduces children to the topics of death and grief in a sensitive, age-appropriate way from a Catholic faith perspective.

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23 Apr 2024

Summer 1 Topic - Allotment

Read on to find out about our topic after the Easter Holidays. The link for the homework project ideas can be found at the bottom.

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20 Mar 2024

1066 Enrichment Day

1066 Enrichment Day

Read on to find out about when Class 4 went back in time to 1066...

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20 Feb 2024


Read on to find out about Class 4's Spring 2 topic: 1066. 19.2.24 - Come to school dressed in Medieval fancy dress for our enrichment day.

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29 Jan 2024

Shrewsbury Museum Ancient Egypt Workshop

Shrewsbury Museum Ancient Egypt Workshop

Read on to find out about our visit from Shrewsbury Museum to learn all about the Ancient Egyptians...

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17 Jan 2024

Spring 2 Topic: Pharaohs

Read on to find out about Class 4's topic in Spring 1.

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21 Dec 2023

Exotic Zoo

Exotic Zoo

Read on to find out about Class 4's trip to the Exotic Zoo...

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12 Nov 2023

Autumn 2 Topic - Investigating Our World

Read on to find out about next half terms Cornerstones topic and homework project ideas for Class 4.

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27 Oct 2023

My:Dentist visit

My:Dentist visit

Find out about when My:Dentist visited Class 4...

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11 Oct 2023

Four generations visit Class 4

Four generations visit Class 4

As part of their topic, Time Traveller' four generations of the same family visited Class 4.

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07 Jun 2023

Magazines and Newspapers

Request from Mrs Grant for Art on Friday

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05 Jun 2023

Time Traveller

After half term, our Cornerstones topic will be 'Time Traveller'. Read on to find out more...

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22 May 2023

Viking Longboat

Viking Longboat

Year 5 set sail...

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26 Apr 2023

Young Writers Competition

Congratulations Class 4!

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19 Apr 2023

Traders and Raiders Workshop

Traders and Raiders Workshop

Class 4 had a great afternoon yesterday learning all about Viking History. What would we find in a Viking burial ground? How could we tell if it was a rich or poor Viking? Why did the Vikings come to Britain? The children also had opportunity to ho

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18 Apr 2023