• St Luke's continues to be a GOOD school after a successful Ofsted inspection in December.
  • Please continue to check ParentPay for upcoming trips and events, thank you!
  • Don't forget - Class 3's Town Centre Trip is tomorrow!

Young Writers Competition

Congratulations Class 4!

Last term, children in Class 4 entered a writing competition. They had to write a 100 word diary entry and we chose to write ours from the point of view of Hiawatha or the Peacemaker who were Native Americans and linked to our Cornerstones topic 'Road Trip USA'.

I am over the moon to announce that all the children who submitted their writing have had them accepted and Young Writers have asked permission for them to be published in a special book alongside other diary entries from children across the UK.

Your child should have brought home an envelope today containing information on how to give permission to allow your child's writing to be published. They will also receive a certificate in celebration assembly on Friday.

Please don't hesitate to catch me on the classroom door if you have any questions.

Miss Holmes