• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

Wrap Around Care price increases and changes to ParentPay – Monday 17th April 2023

Dear parent and carers,

Our mission at the Out of School Club is to ensure that families will always have the best wraparound childcare options available.  We focus not just on meeting but exceeding the needs of our families and strive to provide the highest level of quality care.

We have avoided raising our prices for as long as possible, in fact we have not done so for several years but unfortunately an increase in running costs has resulted in a price increase effective from Monday 17th April 2023.

We understand a price increase is never great news, however it is important to consider the following:

  • This is the first price increase in many years.
  • A healthy breakfast and after school snack will continue to be included in the cost of the sessions.
  • We will continue to provide a high quality and a varied menu, as well as maintaining provision for children with dietary requirements (Gluten/Dairy free and specific food Allergies/Intolerance’s)
  • Analysis of other local care providers shows us that even with this increase, our prices remain highly competitive.
  • Our approach of providing wraparound care which includes food provision with the option to join in with our wide range of creative indoor and outdoor play opportunities, facilitated by our highly experienced and motivated staff, offer your child/ren a fantastic social play experience representing excellent value for money.
  • We maintain a warm, friendly and welcoming environment where your child/ren feels safe, secure and valued.

In addition to the price increase for wraparound care, we will be making some changes to how you see your child’s accounts on ParentPay.  The changes will make it much easier for you to view and pay your balances.  These changes will also be in place from 17th April 2023.  We politely request that all outstanding balances are cleared before this date.  Parents who pay using childcare vouchers, your balances will be cleared once we have received notification of payments.

Revised Wraparound Care fees commencing Monday 17th April 2023

Session Attending Current Price First Child Revised Price First Child Current Price


All Siblings

Revised Price All Siblings
Breakfast Club £2.50 £3.50 £2.00 £3.15
After School Club Full Session £6.50 £7.50 £5.20 £6.75
After School Club Half Session £4.00 £5.00 £4.00 £5.00
15 Minutes Care £1.00 £1.50 £1.00 £1.50


Help with fees:

Parents can receive up to £2,000 per child per year through Tax-Free Childcare and can use this to pay you for childcare.  If you haven’t signed up yet, find out more at: www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/providers

For Parents/Carers in The Armed Forces there is also funding available. Clink on the link below for further information:


We continue to accept childcare vouchers as a preferred method of payment from existing providers.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Miss H Davies                             Miss L Evans
Club Manager                             Headteacher

Letter to Parents Price Increase April 2023