• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

How will I know if school is closed?

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are well and have enjoyed spending time in the snow over the last couple of days! We have had several parents enquire as to how you will be informed if school is ever closed.

Firstly, no news is good news! If there is nothing on the website, Facebook page or the local authority closure page, school is open as normal.

Should we have to make the decision to close school we will always endeavour to give as much notice as possible. The announcement will be made on the website, Facebook and the local authority school’s closure page.

Closures - School/Nursery Closures - Telford & Wrekin Council

We kindly ask that parents do not telephone school, to ask if we are open as this is blocking the phoneline for parents reporting absence and, if we are closed there will be no-one in the office to answer your calls.

Should we have to make the decision to close school during the school day the announcement will be made in the same way as a full day closure. In addition, we will also announce via ParentPay or phone call. We do ask that if you receive notification of school closure you help us by sharing this information with any other parent you know. Again, please do not telephone school for confirmation as the telephone will be needed to contact other parents and the local authority.

If you have not activated your ParentPay account it is imperative that you do so, in order to be informed of any possible school closures to ensure the safety of your child or children.

Kind regards,

Miss L Evans
