• Please check ParentPay for upcoming sports events!
  • February half term dates - Monday 17th to Friday 21st 2025

Housekeeping Reminders

Dear parents and carers,


Student Absences

All student absences must be reported to the school office before 9am on each day your child is absent.  Please either email school using a3359@telford.gov.uk or leave a message on the school answerphone.

All messages are regularly checked and school will only contact you if there is a query. 


Uniform Standards

As you are aware, we take pride in how our students present themselves and would like to remind parents to be mindful of the School Uniform Policy found on the school website https://www.stlukescatholicprimary.org.uk/joining/uniform

ALL children are expected to wear low-heeled black school shoes to school in both summer and winter.  NO trainers, boots or fashion shoes are to be worn.  This also includes the wearing of black trainers.  Parents will be contacted to provide correct uniform.


PE Kit

Please ensure your children arrive on their scheduled PE days wearing their PE kit.

For PE in the hall the children wear a plain white T shirt and black shorts.

For outdoor PE and games, plain white T shirt and black shorts are required together with trainers.

Please check the website for a full list of required PE kit.  Football kits are not acceptable for PE and should pupils arrive wearing incorrect kit, parents will be contacted. 

Jewellery - Only gold stud earrings are permitted, which must be taken out or taped over for PE sessions.

PE is part of the national curriculum and regardless of ability, all children are expected to participate.



Please be aware that due to Health and Safety and Insurance purposes, parents and carers should not park on the school site to drop off or collect children (this includes if you are running late) unless you are in receipt of a valid blue badge, or you have prior permission.

Please remain mindful of zigzag and double yellow line areas outside school at drop off and pick up. These areas should be kept clear at all times for the safety of our pupils.


Building Fund

Whilst we are aware of the demands made on you, as parents, carers and grandparents, on your time and your finances, we would hope that you will agree that £15 per child (just less than 29p per week) is a small price to pay for the enjoyment of voluntary status which allows us to nurture the Catholic ethos and way of life in our school.

There are many projects in school that would not be possible without the Building Fund.



If your child is going home with someone who does not collect them on a regular basis, you must inform school, on the day of collection before 2pm.

The named individuals on your child’s contact details, held by school, are used in emergencies, they are not used for intermittent collections where your child is collected by another parent for a social event/playdate. This practice is in line with our Safeguarding policy and the safety of all children remains paramount.

Please remember to inform school if any of your contact details change.


School Lunch Accounts

As previously published, from Monday 1st April 2024, the cost of a school lunch will be £2.60 per pupil per lunch.

We politely ask parents to ensure lunch payments are made in advance of receiving a meal and any arrears are dealt with promptly.


Trips, News and Events

Can I ask that you please continue to view your emails, ParentPay, the school website and the school Facebook page for upcoming trips and events, to remain aware of everything happening within school.


And, as always, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

We thank you for your continued support and for your cooperation.


Miss L Evans
